Are you struggling to figure out the secret to earning extra money online? Do you have PASSION, and a sense of purpose about your online business, but can't seem to make a profit? Are you fed up with gurus, get rich quick scams and other silly strategies that are doomed to disappoint no matter HOW good they seemed when you "bought" them? In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at some common questions about getting started online, and I'll share the absolute EASIEST way you can earn extra money TODAY, doing something we all learned back in 2nd grade! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
The EASIEST Way to earn $50 (and up) online WITHOUT any previous experience?
Good question! I call this approach the "Strategy of Straight Lines", because it's the most direct, and linear route I've seen to creating content that converts into cold hard cash.
It works OPTIMALLY like this:
You pick an offer to promote that has a proven track record of success. (all affiliate networks will publish some sort of metric you can use to measure this, it's most commonly referred to as EPC)
You create CONTENT around that offer, or in the niche overall, and drive that traffic directly to the vendor you picked in step 1. (you do this by using a root level re-direction, or a page that "forwards" to your affiliate offer of choice, with your cookie installed for traffic and conversion tracking)
You submit that content to the popular, and high volume article directories, where you will piggy back of their page trust, and "borrow" their traffic for the purpose of getting INSTANT eyeballs in front of your own content.
Wash, rinse and repeat.
The truth?
If you pick a good affiliate offer, and a high volume niche, you can literally earn $50 the very first day you apply this approach, as it requires NOTHING other than content and a landing page to make work.
Is this the best way to BUILD your business going forward as you go and grow?
Ironically,'s not. The truth is, this works really well for a daily income of between $50 to $300 or so, but it takes a lot of effort to upkeep beyond that point, and it can grow very tiring. (there are some easy ways to amp UP your efforts beyond the above, but once you get to this point, there are easier ways to scale UP your profits)
The best way to continue to grow once you have a reliable income stream in place?
The easiest way to grow is to simply make a very small tweak in the above process flow, where instead of driving traffic DIRECTLY to the vendor, instead, you use your content to build a community of your OWN, instead. In this case, you'd replace the page that forwards to the offer above, with an opt in page, that use your content to turn your readers into SUBSCRIBERS, and build real rapport and relationship with these readers that endures over the long haul. (rather than simply creating a "bridge" between your article, and the affiliate offer, as above)
The Good News?
If you are just getting started and need some extra cash to keep you going, to earn $50 to $100 a day, on a consistent basis from SCRATCH....all you really need to do is follow 2 steps:
A good bonus tip?
The BEST long term strategy is simple:
Find something that makes YOU come alive, and create a product or service in that niche.
Then, simply use the above system to build a huge community of fans, friends, followers and folks who will help build your blog, your brand, your business and your BANK account to boot. It really is that easy....and if you look at any online "guru", in any niche, you'll see the key components of CONTENT, and COMMUNITY as the key drivers to their success. (and the good news is, so TOO can YOU!)
The EASIEST Way to earn $50 (and up) online WITHOUT any previous experience?
Good question! I call this approach the "Strategy of Straight Lines", because it's the most direct, and linear route I've seen to creating content that converts into cold hard cash.
It works OPTIMALLY like this:
You pick an offer to promote that has a proven track record of success. (all affiliate networks will publish some sort of metric you can use to measure this, it's most commonly referred to as EPC)
You create CONTENT around that offer, or in the niche overall, and drive that traffic directly to the vendor you picked in step 1. (you do this by using a root level re-direction, or a page that "forwards" to your affiliate offer of choice, with your cookie installed for traffic and conversion tracking)
You submit that content to the popular, and high volume article directories, where you will piggy back of their page trust, and "borrow" their traffic for the purpose of getting INSTANT eyeballs in front of your own content.
Wash, rinse and repeat.
The truth?
If you pick a good affiliate offer, and a high volume niche, you can literally earn $50 the very first day you apply this approach, as it requires NOTHING other than content and a landing page to make work.
Is this the best way to BUILD your business going forward as you go and grow?
Ironically,'s not. The truth is, this works really well for a daily income of between $50 to $300 or so, but it takes a lot of effort to upkeep beyond that point, and it can grow very tiring. (there are some easy ways to amp UP your efforts beyond the above, but once you get to this point, there are easier ways to scale UP your profits)
The best way to continue to grow once you have a reliable income stream in place?
The easiest way to grow is to simply make a very small tweak in the above process flow, where instead of driving traffic DIRECTLY to the vendor, instead, you use your content to build a community of your OWN, instead. In this case, you'd replace the page that forwards to the offer above, with an opt in page, that use your content to turn your readers into SUBSCRIBERS, and build real rapport and relationship with these readers that endures over the long haul. (rather than simply creating a "bridge" between your article, and the affiliate offer, as above)
The Good News?
If you are just getting started and need some extra cash to keep you going, to earn $50 to $100 a day, on a consistent basis from SCRATCH....all you really need to do is follow 2 steps:
A good bonus tip?
The BEST long term strategy is simple:
Find something that makes YOU come alive, and create a product or service in that niche.
Then, simply use the above system to build a huge community of fans, friends, followers and folks who will help build your blog, your brand, your business and your BANK account to boot. It really is that easy....and if you look at any online "guru", in any niche, you'll see the key components of CONTENT, and COMMUNITY as the key drivers to their success. (and the good news is, so TOO can YOU!)
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